
Text editor for python code
Text editor for python code

If you want more tutorials like this tell me what here.įull Code: import sys v=sys.version() if "2.7" in v: from Tkinter import * import tkFileDialog elif "3.3" in v or "3.4" in v: from tkinter import * import tkinter.tkFileDialog root=Tk("Text Editor") text=Text(root) id() def saveas(): global text t = text.get("1.0", "end-1c") savelocation=tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename() file1=open(savelocation, "w+") file1.write(t) file1.close() button=Button(root, text="Save", command=saveas) id() def FontHelvetica(): global text nfig(font="Helvetica") def FontCourier(): global text nfig(font="Courier") font=Menubutton(root, text="Font") id() nu=Menu(font, tearoff=0) font=nu Helvetica=IntVar() arial=IntVar() times=IntVar() Courier=IntVar() _checkbutton(label="Courier", variable=Courier, command=FontCourier) _checkbutton(label="Helvetica", variable=helvetica, command=FontHelvetica) root.mainloop() Under the last line you added, add this: def FontHelvetica(): global text nfig(font="Helvetica") def FontCourier(): global text nfig(font="Courier") font=Menubutton(root, text="Font") id() nu=Menu(font, tearoff=0) font=nu helvetica=IntVar() courier=IntVar() _checkbutton(label="Courier", variable=courier, command=FontCourier) _checkbutton(label="Helvetica", variable=helvetica, command=FontHelvetica)Ĭongratulations! You have finished a very simple text editor.

Text editor for python code